We are Modernizing Facilities – High-performance heat pumps reduce our consumption while Photovoltaic panels and next generation batteries provide power to our buildings.
Carbon-neutral video solutions reduces the environmental impact of enterprise video resources and contributes to achieving climate change objectives.
Sustainability and Efficiency
The Winning Combination in VITEC's Five-Point GreenPEG Strategy
The VITEC team is implementing a five-point strategy
to reduce the carbon footprint across our entire value chain.

We are Streamlining Logistics – By strategically assessing the locations of manufacturing facilities, warehouses and distribution centers to minimize transportation costs and emissions.
We are Embracing Energy Efficient Design Principles – VITEC is now integrating eco-friendly rules in its design control process. Indeed, optimizing our software and hardware architectures is the most efficient way to reduce our products footprint.
We are also Focusing on Product Recycling – Significant savings and reductions in environmental impact are achieved by using materials that can be easily and inexpensively transformed and reused.
And finally we are Implementing Real Time Energy Monitoring and Controls – providing customers with an ongoing window into the power consumption of VITEC products, and the tools to adjust performance and power utilization.
All these steps are contributing to minimize our carbon footprint in addition to sustainability efforts already in place.
Read more about VITEC’s carbon neutrality with the GreenPEG initiative.