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0 => (uid=153, pid=12)
title => protected'Diamond C10' (11 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
urltitle => protected'Diamond-C10' (11 chars)
seotitle => protected'Diamond C10 – High-Density Managed IP streaming Chassis' (57 chars)
slug => protected'diamond-c10' (11 chars)
seometa => protected'Diamond C10 delivers high-density, high-quality low-latency streaming for IP
TV distribution, contribution and remote production.' (128 chars)
keywords => protected'OG opengear Diamond C10 High-Density and Managed IP streaming Chassis' (69 chars)
description => protected'<p>The Diamond C10 Chassis is a modular high-end managed frame supporting VI
TEC’s OG cards. It is ideal for organisations looking for an easy, reliabl
e and affordable way to create a digital IPTV head-end to stream a high numb
er of channels.</p>
<p>The Diamond C10 uses a highly efficient integrated c
ontroller card that serves as the single point of interaction with the netwo
rk, manages all hardware modules in the system and has automatic triggers fo
r redundancy and failover.</p>
<p>The hot-swappable design allows cards wit
h different interfaces, encoding or decoding capabilities to be mixed and ma
tched as required.</p>
<p>The platform delivers reliability and performance
for continuous operation, with adaptive cooling and redundant power supplie
s.<br /> </p>
<h3>Supported VITEC OG cards</h3>
<ul> <li><a href="h
ttps://" target="_blank">MGW Diamond OG<
/a></li> <li><a href="" targ
et="_blank">MGW Diamond-Hx OG</a></li> <li><a href="
roduct/mgw-diamond-plus-og-encoder" target="_blank">MGW Diamond+ OG</a></li>
<li><a href="" target="_bl
ank">MGW Ace Decoder OG</a></li> </ul>' (1254 chars)
subtitle => protected'High-Density Managed IP streaming Chassis' (41 chars)
applications => protected'<ul> <li>IPTV distribution</li> <li>Provide live TV within digital signage
or as part of an interactive IPTV portal</li> <li>Broadast Contribution ov
er IP</li> <li>Multi-site and/or multi-channel IP Video contribution</li>
<li>Remote contribution</li> <li>Streaming video to desktop/laptop, TV and
mobile devices</li> <li>Deliver video streams to mobile devices</li> </ul>' (379 chars)
highlights => protected'<p>Diamond C10 delivers high-density, high-quality low-latency streaming for
IPTV distribution, contribution and remote production.</p>' (135 chars)
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1 => (uid=151, pid=12)
title => protected'MGW Diamond-H' (13 chars)
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seotitle => protected'MGW Diamond-H 4K & Dual-Channel SD/HD HEVC Encoder' (50 chars)
slug => protected'mgw-diamond-h' (13 chars)
seometa => protected'MGW Diamond-H is a small, power-efficient dual channel HD
or one channel 4K
HEVC video encoder ideal for field-based
applications. It features a power
ful encoding engine with the
ability to output up to four streams simultane
ously.' (234 chars)
keywords => protected'MGW Diamond-H 4K & Dual-Channel SD/HD HEVC Encoder' (50 chars)
description => protected'<p>MGW Diamond-H is a portable appliance featuring impressive size, weight a
nd power (SWaP) characteristics. It provides best-in-class video quality ove
r industry standard video/audio connectivity.</p>
<p>MGW Diamond-H encodes
up to 4x channels from 2x sources at HD resolution, or 1x at 4K. Offering 2x
HDMI 2.0 and 1x 12G SDI inputs makes the MGW Diamond-H a flexible portable
appliance for IPTV distribution or site-to-site streaming within corporate,
sports or broadcast markets.</p>
<p>MGW Diamond-H can be used to distribute
the encoded output of a source across a network, whilst simultaneously bein
g viewed locally on a user’s screen, e.g., in a control room, using HDMI l
<p>Featuring Ultra High Definition and High Dynamic Range
(HDR) support, MGW Diamond-H can capture 4Kp60 HDR10 or HLG video. Inbuilt P
ower over Ethernet (PoE) makes it easy to integrate, and very robust, secure
and reliable</p>' (929 chars)
subtitle => protected'4K & Dual-Channel SD/HD HEVC Encoder' (36 chars)
applications => protected'<ul> <li>IPTV distribution</li> <li>Streaming desktop, laptop or camera co
ntent to devices on the local network</li> <li>IP Video contribution</li>
<li>Inter-site video streaming</li> </ul>' (193 chars)
highlights => protected'<ul> <li>2 channel low latency streaming from 2x HDMI and/or 1x SDI source
simultaneously</li> <li>Support for Ultra High Definition (4K) and High Dyn
amic Range (HDR)</li> <li>Up to 4x output streams</li> <li>Next-generation
HEVC (H.265) compression support to reduce network bandwidth utilisation by
up to 50% compared to H.264</li> <li>Stream protection for reliable video/
audio and metadata transmission (Zixi™, SRT, RIST and Pro-MPEG)</li> <li
>Distribute an HDMI source whilst simultaneaously viewing it locally on your
owm screen using HDMI loop-through</li> <li>Power over Ethernet (PoE) and
SFP ports allow gigabit ethernet over RJ45 or fibre</li> <li>Compact, low-p
ower hardware design – optimised for field use</li> </ul>' (743 chars)
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16 => (uid=135, pid=12)
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27 => (uid=115, pid=12)
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28 => (uid=116, pid=12)
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29 => (uid=104, pid=12)
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30 => (uid=102, pid=12)
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VITEC TNP 200' (42 chars)
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31 => (uid=103, pid=12)
title => protected'VITEC TNP-400' (13 chars)
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keywords => protected'VITEC TNP-400
VITEC TNP 400' (42 chars)
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keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'<p>VITEC TNP-400 Datasheet</p>' (30 chars)
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32 => (uid=101, pid=12)
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keywords => protected'VITEC TNP-100
VITEC TNP 100' (42 chars)
description => protected'' (0 chars)
subtitle => protected'' (0 chars)
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00000000045917a40000000072d59d1e => (uid=158, pid=12)
tstamp => protectedNULL
title => protected'VITEC TNP100 Datasheet' (22 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
slug => protected'vitec-tnp100-datasheet' (22 chars)
keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'<p>VITEC TNP-100 Datasheet</p>' (30 chars)
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sort2 => protected'' (0 chars)
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33 => (uid=100, pid=12)
title => protected'MGW Pico+ TOUGH' (15 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
urltitle => protected'MGW-Pico-plus-TOUGH' (19 chars)
seotitle => protected'MGW Pico+ TOUGH - Military Grade HEVC & H.264' (45 chars)
slug => protected'mgw-pico-plus-tough' (19 chars)
seometa => protected'MGW Pico+ TOUGH is a miniature, power-efficient MIL STD certified HEVC and H
.264 rugged video encoder. It encodes and streams real-time video with frame
accurate KLV metadata.' (175 chars)
keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'<p>MGW Pico+ TOUGH is a miniature, power-efficient MIL STD certified HEVC an
d H.264 rugged video encoder. Weighing under 400g, with 8.8W power consumpti
on for 4K or dual channel streaming, and only 18 seconds from power-on to li
ve IP stream, it encodes and streams real-time video with frame accurate KLV
metadata. Its fanless and pocket-size enclosure is designed for use on unma
nned and manned vehicles, in fly-away kits or hand-carried in extreme condit
ions. MGW Pico+ TOUGH is available as a portable rugged encoder or as a sing
le board with UHD encoding support for integrators.</p>
<p>Designed to meet
the most stringent environmental requirements, the MGW Pico+ TOUGH packs al
l the necessary capabilities for any Surveillance, Intelligence and Reconnai
ssance (ISR) sensor or Situational Awareness (SA) video in an ultra-small en
closure. The unit supports simultaneous encoding and streaming of analog and
SDI sources in low bandwidth HEVC or H.264, asynchronous and synchronous KL
V / STANAG metadata capture from various sources, real-time image video scal
ing and efficient stream transport protections, and it outputs JITC complian
t video streams.</p>' (1160 chars)
subtitle => protected'Military Grade HEVC & H.264 Rugged Encoder' (42 chars)
applications => protected'<ul> <li><span><span><span><span>Real-time IP streaming of 4K/HD/SD content
for Situational Awareness (SA)</span></span></span></span> <span><span
><span><span>from two sensors (analog/digital)</span></span></span></span></
li> <li><span><span><span><span>Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissan
ce (ISR) video from ground and airborne vehicles over RF or satellite link</
span></span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span><span>Streaming over
lossy and bandwidth limited transmission links</span></span></span></span></
li> <li><span><span><span><span>Broadcast-quality video contribution in har
sh environments</span></span></span></span></li> </ul>' (662 chars)
highlights => protected'<ul> <li>Ultra-small Rugged HEVC & H.264 Encoder</li> <li>Up to 2 enco
ding channels from SDI and Composite inputs</li> <li>Low latency HD/SD Stre
aming</li> <li>Low bandwidth HEVC Streaming</li> <li>Overlay for video inp
ut identification and timestamping</li> <li>KLV / STANAG metadata processin
g for ISR</li> <li>Available as an OEM board for integrators (4K support)</
li> </ul>' (389 chars)
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description => protected'<p>MGW Pico+ Tough Datasheet</p>' (32 chars)
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34 => (uid=90, pid=12)
title => protected'MGW Diamond+ OG Encoder' (23 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
urltitle => protected'MGW-Diamond+OG Encoder' (22 chars)
seotitle => protected'MGW Diamond+ OG Encoder - Multi-codec, Broadcast-grade 4K/Multichannel HD op
enGear® Encoder Card' (97 chars)
slug => protected'mgw-diamond-plus-og-encoder' (27 chars)
seometa => protected'MGW Diamond+ OG is a broadcast grade HEVC, H.264 and MPEG-2 IP encoder that
is ideal for contribution or point-to-point streaming applications and compa
tible with the openGear ecosystem for seamless integration. It features a po
werful encoding engine with the ability to output up to eight streams simult
aneously.' (313 chars)
keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'<p>MGW Diamond+ OG is a broadcast grade HEVC, H.264 and MPEG-2 IP encoder th
at is ideal for contribution or point-to-point streaming applications and co
mpatible with the openGear ecosystem for seamless integration. It features a
powerful encoding engine with the ability to output up to eight streams sim
<p>MGW Diamond+ OG is available as an openGear card for ea
sy integration within production studios, broadcast facilities or corporate
server room. MGW Diamond+ OG captures up to 4x 3G/HD/SD-SDI and streams up t
o eight live channels, addressing diverse applications within broadcast, spo
rts, enterprise and federal markets. MGW Diamond+ OG can capture and encode
4K60p HDR video from either its 4x3G-SDI or 12G-SDI inputs. MGW Diamond+ OG
reliably delivers broadcast-quality content over dedicated IP networks but a
lso over lossy networks such as the Internet, thanks to its support of strea
m protection protocols.</p>' (939 chars)
subtitle => protected'Multi-codec, Broadcast-grade 4K/Multichannel HD openGear® Encoder Card' (71 chars)
applications => protected'<ul> <li><span><span><span>Broadcast contribution over IP</span></span></sp
an></li> <li><span><span><span>Site-to-Site primary distribution</span></sp
an></span></li> <li><span><span><span>Remote production over any network</s
pan></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span>Remote/At Home production ove
r the internet/REMI</span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span>IPTV di
stribution</span></span></span></li> </ul>' (422 chars)
highlights => protected'<ul> <li><span><span><span>HEVC/H.264 and MPEG-2 broadcast grade codec</spa
n></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span>Up to 4K60p input and encoding
support</span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><span>Ultra High Definiti
on (UHD) and High Dynamic Range (HDR) support</span></span></span></li> <li
><span><span><span>Support for 32 audio channels</span></span></span></li>
<li><span><span><span>Large protocol support including UDP/RTP TS, Zixi™,
RIST, SRT and RTMP/RTMPS</span></span></span></li> <li><span><span><sp
an>Future-proof design with SMPTE2110 support in the roadmap</span></span></
span></li> <li><span><span><span>Compatible with openGear ecosystem for sea
mless integration</span></span></span></li> </ul>' (733 chars)
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37 => (uid=83, pid=12)
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38 => (uid=84, pid=12)
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39 => (uid=78, pid=12)
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41 => (uid=70, pid=12)
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42 => (uid=14, pid=12)
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teaser => protected'ChannelLink acts as a central hub where IP channels from the field can be re
ceived reliably and retransmitted live, acting as an efficient gateway acros
s any IP network' (168 chars)
slug => protected'channellink-datasheet' (21 chars)
keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
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43 => (uid=15, pid=12)
title => protected'HDM850' (6 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
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seotitle => protected'HDM850 - Multi-format HD/SD Broadcast Decoder' (45 chars)
slug => protected'hdm850' (6 chars)
seometa => protected'HDM850 is the latest High Definition decoding product from Stradis. It suppo
rts multiple formats, including MPEG-2 and H.264 video decoding over 3G-SDI
(from SD to 1080p60 - SMPTE259,292,424), HDMI and analog video.' (215 chars)
keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'<p>HDM850 is the latest High Definition decoding product from Stradis. It su
pports multiple formats, including MPEG-2 and H.264 video decoding over 3G-S
DI (from SD to 1080p60 - SMPTE259,292,424), HDMI and analog video. As all St
radis card, HDM850 supports continuous, frame-accurate and seamless back-to-
back playback playback.</p>
<p>The easily-integrated Stradis HDM850 feature
s an alpha-blended full-frame on-screen display,a HD/SD-SDI input for insert
ion of live video content andprovides upscaling and downscaling to any resol
ution with auto adaptive color conversion making it your best ally to transi
tion your SD content to the HD world (and vice versa). Dual outputs also all
ow decoded video to be simultaneously output in two distinct formats to crea
te, for example, HD and SD versions of the same content. The HDM850 uses a h
ybrid hardware/software decoding engine that allows flexibility to support f
uture codecs.</p>
<p>A SDK/API developer kit allows one or several Stradis
HDM850 decoder cards to be integrated and controlled into a video system qui
ckly and easily. SDK/API compatibility is ensured across the complete Stradi
s product range allowing a seamless upgrade to a different decoder. Upgrade
to HD now!</p>
<p>HDM850 is also compatible with the Livewire framework of
our VITEC encoder product line. Based on this technology, LW Player, a power
ful decoding application, provides a plug and play experience.</p>' (1434 chars)
subtitle => protected'Multi-format HD/SD Broadcast Decoder' (36 chars)
applications => protected'<ul> <li>Broadcast</li> <li>Digital signage</li> <li>Entertainment</li> <
/ul>' (80 chars)
highlights => protected'<ul> <li>HD/SD H.264 and MPEG-2 decoder, 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 10-bit sampling</l
i> <li>HD/SD-SDI, HDMI, YPbPr, RGB & RGBHV, S-Video and Composite video
outputs</li> <li>16x SDI / 12x HDMI embedded and 8x AES digital audio outp
uts plus 2x unbalanced audio outputs</li> <li>Upscaling/downscaling to any
resolution with auto adaptive color conversion</li> <li>OSD, Closed caption
ing, Genlock, LTC and RS-422 control</li> <li>PCIe card(4 lanes), Multiboar
d support , Stradis and Livewire SDK</li> </ul>' (503 chars)
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44 => (uid=17, pid=12)
title => protected'HDM850+' (7 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
urltitle => protected'HDM850plus' (10 chars)
seotitle => protected'HDM850+ // HEVC/H.265 Professional Decoder card' (47 chars)
slug => protected'hdm850plus' (10 chars)
seometa => protected'HDM850+ is the latest addition to the VITEC decoder product line, it support
s HEVC decode over 3G-SDI (from SD to 1080p60). HDM850+ is fully featured fo
r professional broadcast applications.' (190 chars)
keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'<p>HDM850+ is the latest addition to the VITEC decoder product line, it supp
orts HEVC decode over 3G-SDI (from SD to 1080p60). HDM850+ is fully featured
for professional broadcast applications such as content distribution, stati
on/news automation, and quality control or simply for rendering the latest v
ideo standards. Featuring unique frame accurate playback and compatible with
HEVC, H.264 and MPEG-2 video standards (HD/SD), HDM850+ is the most advance
d and versatile decoder card available on the market.</p>
<p>HDM850+ is a P
CIe based decoder for use by end user as well as integrators. It decodes and
displays video up to 1080p60 over 3G-SDI or HDMI. The available codecs are
HEVC, H.264 and MPEG-2. File formats compatibility include MXF OP1a & OP
-Atom / MOV / MP4 and MPEG-2 PS & TS. Ready for the most demanding broad
cast applications, it features a hardware scaler/de-interlacer (any to any r
esolution), a genlock input, a 3G-SDI input for live insertion, a secondary
SD-SDI output and a full frame OSD (with alpha blending) and several analog
video (YPbPr, RGB & RGBHV, S-Video and Composite) and audio outputs (8x
AES digital audio outputs plus 2x unbalanced audio outputs).</p>
<p>A SDK/A
PI developer kit allows one or several HDM850+ decoder cards to be integrate
d and controlled into a video system quickly and easily. SDK compatibility i
s ensured across the complete Stradis product range allowing a seamless upgr
ade to a different decoder.</p>
<p>HDM850+ is also compatible with the Live
wire framework of our VITEC encoder product line. Based on this technology,
LW Player, a powerful end user decoding application, provides a rich plug an
d play experience.</p>
' (1700 chars)
subtitle => protected'HEVC/H.265 Professional Decoder card' (36 chars)
applications => protected'<ul> <li>Broadcast</li> <li>Digital signage</li> <li>Entertainment</li> <
/ul>' (80 chars)
highlights => protected'<ul> <li>Unique seamless frame accurate playback in HEVC /H.264 and MPEG-2<
/li> <li>3G-SDI and HDMI outputs up to 1080p60</li> <li>HD/SD HEVC decode
er (any to any resolution), Genlock, RS-422 control, OSD</li> <li>PCIe card
(4 lanes), Powerful end user application and SDK (Stradis / Livewire)</li> <
/ul>' (460 chars)
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tstamp => protectedNULL
title => protected'HDM850+ Datasheet' (17 chars)
teaser => protected'' (0 chars)
slug => protected'hdm850-datasheet' (16 chars)
keywords => protected'' (0 chars)
description => protected'<p>HDM850+ Datasheet</p>' (24 chars)
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